Our specialist team will work with you to create your own care team based on the level of care required and your circumstances to support a lifestyle driven care solution.
We involve you fully in the recruitment of your tailor made team who are trained to the highest standards to meet your needs. This approach ensures continuity of care and quality, with a commitment to a sustainable care provision for you.
Bespoke Care Teams
Our Services
Ourway Care specialise in providing a focussed and person centred approach to complex care, with extensive experience and expertise in supporting individuals with neurological conditions; including spinal cord injuries, progressive illnesses and ABI.
Whether you are looking for your first care provider or looking to change care providers to one that better suits your needs, we can help you with a solution that is tailored to your chosen lifestyle.
Experienced Team
We have extensive experience in complex care provision and want to help you in meeting your lifestyle goals.
Ourway Care only provide bespoke care packages for clients with long term neurological conditions, including those who are fully ventilated, as well as those with a spinal cord injury. We are a truly specialist service with expertise in these areas.
Specialist Support
We provide an extensive range of care services including personal care, domestic and household tasks and highly skilled clinical tasks.
All staff complete a comprehensive 3 day induction program and are supported to complete additional training with our clinical team.
Your care team will be trained to support you in all aspects of your life, including holidays and hospital admissions.
Flexible Approach
Your care solution will take into account your home situation to ensure that your team is sufficiently flexible to meet all your needs and contingencies.
We recognize the importance of care supporting you living your life in the way you require.
We are committed to working in partnership with our clients, their family and commissioners of the service. We will liaise with all professionals involved with the client and their family.